We understand. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process that should deliver real benefits to your organization. Optimizing your site to simply increase your page views, visitor count, Tweets and Facebook “Likes” will not provide the results you’re seeking.
What You Should Demand
If you’re involved in ecommerce, you should expect an SEO expert to help you generate increased brand awareness, trust and loyalty; a greater number of qualified prospects and greater sales revenue.
If you are a not-for-profit, or do not take part in ecommerce and sales, SEO can help you increase engagement with visitors and gain greater support for your cause or mission.
And in every case, when you embark on an SEO project, you should expect the results to grow over time.
Proven SEO Services 
The foundation of SEO much more than simply optimizing for keywords.
SEO should first give users a good experience at your site. That means giving them the high quality, valuable and useful information they seek. Matching what you offer with the people looking for it – that is the essence and the goal of SEO.
When you engage The Technology Experts, we’ll begin with a series of questions that address your target audience, their personas and the business goals you expect to achieve through SEO. We will work with you to develop your Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) – the many small “data points” that support your overall business objectives. We’ll communicate with you, explaining what we recommend and how those recommendations support your goals. As the project unfolds, we’ll evaluate meta-data, keywords and content on your site.
As a result, you’ll gradually see improvement in your KPI’s. SEO is not an immediate “fix” for an idle website. It’s a strategic effort that relies on search engines re-indexing your site, and then finding new information that increases the relevance of your pages for your target audience.
Knowledge of your particular business is critical to successful SEO. We have deep experience across small business, medical, manufacturing, home-based-business, accounting, financial and law firms.